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What Utensils Do I Need To Make Homemade Pet Food
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You really don't need a lot of items to make wholesome homemade pet food. You might even find you don't need all of these items. When you look at how few items are needed, you can begin to imagine the simplicity of making wholesome homemade pet food.
- mixing bowl
- a measuring cup
- a spoon or two for mixing
- a food processor or hand grater
- 2 or 3 Tupperware containers — while its okay to use plastic containers, it's much better to use glass whenever possible so no chemicals leach into the food.
Part 2 Is Done!
Part 2 is now done. You now know what you need to make homemade pet food. Remember, part 1 explains why make homemade pet food while part 3 explains how to make natural homemade pet food. Logically, most people will read part 3 next, but it's totally up to you! If you want, you can read part 2 again: