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Stop The Insanity
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I must admit, I'm no pioneer. That's right. I have invented none of this. All of this information comes from other books, personal experiences, nature shows and so on. For me, it's a privilege to simply bring all of this together for you.
Like Susan Powter, author of Stop the Insanity
, a book on human health, I am not a physician, or in this case a veterinarian; nor am I a nutritionist, or a diet expert. I am however, like you, an ordinary person who loves dogs and cats. It just so happens that like Susan Powter, I broke the system and I personally discovered what I already knew and it's called common sense
Similar to Susan Powter who challenged the human diet industry and medical institutions, I believe that the commercial pet food industry and the veterinarian associations have fooled us for years.
Susan Powter, on page XV of her book, says it best because it is as if I needed a degree to figure it out — as if this whole thing were just too complicated for my simple little mind and I needed them to help me sort it out... making me believe I lacked the discipline, motivation, and control to stick to any diet for any length of time. Boys, boys, boys, you shouldn't have done that to me.
I realize that not everyone will know who Susan Powter is, but at the time I first wrote my book in 1996, Susan Powter was quite popular and her book title Stop The Insanity
rang true with me, but from the dog and cat point of view.
Hopefully, like me, after learning about wholesome homemade pet food and the benefits of wholesome nutrition, you too will realize the insanity of feeding the enzyme depleted and nutritionally inadequate foods made from overly processed ingredients that a carnivore would never eat in the wild known as commercial pet food — and — breathe. That was quite the sentence. I am sure it took your breath away and I know my English teacher would have gave me a failing grade, but I got my point across.
Anywho, thank you Susan Powter for helping to stop the insanity
even though an insanely long sentence was used in the process.
Start The Sanity
Are we having fun yet? Great, let's continue with some insanely beneficial information: