Pet Grub: raw meat diet, holistic health and nutrition for dogs and catsPet Grub

Healthy Food — Healthy Pets :: helping pets since 1994

More Thoughts on Feeding Natural Homemade Pet Food

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  • It has been my experience that puppies and kittens will tell you when to remove a meal from their daily intake because they simply won't want to eat as many meals.
  • After your puppy or kitten has eaten its food, it doesn't hurt to massage their stomach. This helps to get the digestive system working and to help with elimination. This helps to simulate the licking and massaging that their mother would naturally do.
  • Once your dog or cat has finished eating, put any uneaten food into the meat container, store in the fridge and feed the next day.
    • I suggest putting the uneaten foods in a separate container so that the uneaten foods don't affect the food that has not been served yet.
  • Try not to combine meats, but at the same time do not waste food. In other words, if you're feeding beef today and most of it goes and tomorrow you want to feed lamb, then feed the lamb and add the remaining beef to the lamb. Just try to minimize this, that's all.
  • If your dog or cat does not immediately go for the food, read the page about encouragement.
  • Don't leave the food on the floor forever. You want to get your pet into a routine so that all the food is eaten within 10 to 15 minutes of placing the food on the floor. Once again, if you are having problems with this, read the page on encouragement, but at the same time, make sure your companion eats food (even if this means you need to feed some commercial pet food with wholesome homemade food to get them to eat).
  • If you have rescued a puppy, kitten, dog or cat, then you may notice that it needs extra feedings each day as its body has been starving for a while. Once its body is fully satiated with nutrition, then you will find they will go onto a more normal eating schedule for their age. Watch and respond.
  • This program will only takes minutes a day once organized.
  • Now, just maintain your food supply. For example, prepare some veggies or meat as needed. That's it!


In the past, many homemade foods have contained grains. However, leading animal nutritionists and holistic veterinarians are no longer suggesting that grains be used.

It is suggested that with grains removed, pets (including my own) eat significantly less food over a period of time (the food intake can drop by as much as ½ or more) and in general, many pets do a lot better without grains.

Holistic vets and animal nutritionists are saying that our carnivore friends can obtain all of the nutrients found within grains from the combination of meats and vegetables.

Grains are not naturally eaten by carnivores and grains are extremely hard on a carnivore's digestive system.

Believe it or not, but carnivores do better on a diet that consists of little to no fiber.

By not feeding grains you remove properties like gluten from our pet's foods. Gluten, along with other properties of grains may be a factor in hidden allergies our pets are suffering from and grains may also be a factor in problems like candida.

I do not suggest or recommend the feeding of grains for a few reasons:

  1. Grains are not needed and your pet's health will generally improve without grains.
  2. I'm lazy and grains need to be cooked. By not feeding grains, you will increase the speed, efficiency and ease of feeding a natural diet.
  3. It is common knowledge that good food combining means that grains and animal proteins should not be eaten together. When grains are fed with an animal protein, the result is poor digestion. This might be the reason why pets who do not eat grains generally eat less food than those pets who do eat grains. As digestion improves, the body is able to extract more nutrition from less food. This ultimately means the body requires less food to get more nutrition. Once the body gets enough nutrition, it stops eating.
  4. As mentioned, our carnivore friends are designed to eat a low fiber diet. By adding grains you also add fiber. Ironically to help prevent constipation in dogs and cats we want to feed a low fiber natural raw meat diet that uses wholesome foods. A wholesome raw meat diet then helps to bring moisture to the bowels which is one of the keys to preventing constipation. Remember, when we feed a wholesome raw meat diet, the raw meat contains moisture (as described on the page about preparing meat). Many humans who suffer from constipation eat lots of fiber and yet still experience constipation because they do not drink enough water. Water is crucial to good health and so pets eating dry commercial pet food as well as cooked meats meals are more likely to suffer from constipation related health problems which include, but are not limited to, constipation itself, hair balls, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis and more.
  5. The only reason why grains are added to commercial pet foods is because they are a cheap ingredient, not because they are actually beneficial.

Let's keep it simple and let's keep our pets healthy by not feeding grains.


One of the keys to feeding our pets a wholesome homemade diet is that we must not only feed them when our pets are relaxed, but we are relaxed too. Your energy can and does affect the behaviour of your pets. If you feed with positive energy, your pets eat with positive energy. The following page talks about distractions followed by how to encourage pets that are reacting to stubborn humans.

Sick Pet Project

Sick Pet ProjectMeet Jumbo, the participant in The Sick Pet Project.

Bonus: Demodectic Mange — Before and After — a must view and the before and after pictures are truly amazing... images courtesy of of Gracie (:

Follow the story of my most recent rescue and get other news by following me on Facebook.

Katy's Official Gospel

Did you know that... in the United States over 10,000 food and chemicals additives are permitted into the food supply. The average American eats about 14 pounds of additives a year. In addition to colorings, preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, humectants, and anti-microbials, Americans consume on average 120 pounds of sugar and 8 pounds of salt. Now you know!

source: a brochure on toxins from the office of Dr. Seliski, N.D., B.E.S., B.N.

Pictures of My Pets

You Tube Videos

I've created a series of YouTube videos that you can watch or listen to whenever you want.

My videos are meant to take you on a journey of thoughts to help maximize the clarity of your own thoughts and approach to how you care for and love your pets.

Jesse — creator of Pet Grub, Juicing Book and Time Genie. Also visit the The Hormonal Nightmare to learn about balancing your hormones.