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Information About Fruits

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Fruits should be fed at least 30 minutes before and at least 2 hours after the feeding of a main meal.

You do not want to feed fruits with meats or vegetables because fruits use different digestive enzymes. Therefore, combining fruits with other foods creates bad digestion. Bad digestion essentially means that the food is not digested and since fruits are high in sugar, the undigested fruit then begins to putrefy leading to the growth of bad bacteria and other related health problems.

Fruit is, for the most part, digested rather quick and so feeding fruit at least 30 minutes before a main meal allows the fruit to be digested enough to not cause any problems. Although I prefer to feed fruits at least 60 minutes before a main meal is fed.

Feeding fruits at least 2 hours after a main meal is fed helps ensure the main meal is digested enough to ensure the fruit doesn't cause any problems.

Fruit is high in sugar. Bananas are exceptionally high in sugar.

When feeding fruit to our pets we must not feed them as if they are human. It is better to feed fruit in small amounts according to their size. For example, a small Chihuahua will be eating too much fruit if you feed it a whole banana. Conversely, a big Rottweiler will laugh if you feed it a small piece of banana.

A Chihuahua should eat maybe only 5 - 10% of the human amount whereas a Rottweiler, due to its size could eat a whole banana or piece of fruit.

So when feeding fruit, feed it responsibly and it proportions that match the size of your pet.

Fruits have many wonderful benefits but these benefits must be balanced by an awareness that excess sugar, regardless of its form, is not good. Fruits contain fruit sugar but it's a still a sugar even though it is naturally occurring and in its natural, whole state.

applesSome will even tell you that our pets should never have any fruit at all. But myself, having watched dogs (not so much cats) naturally eat strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, fallen apples, etc, I am not as strict about the feeding of fruit. Essentially, some will say that our pets are carnivores and as a result, they are meant to have a high protein and low carbohydrates / low sugar diet. Some will say the carbohydrates should totally be non–existent. While these people raise valid points, I still personally feed fruit but not every day, not even every second day — but maybe once a week or so and when I do feed fruits, I feed in small amounts.


This ancient fruit is said to help calm the digestive system. Apple is said also to have the ability to help the body absorb calcium and iron from other foods. A tea made by steeping apple peels is said to be excellent for the kidneys. If your dog doesn't like apples then try feeding it with the peel removed. Some dogs won't eat apples unless the peel is removed.


Low in sugar and with no starch, avocados contain quite a bit of fruit oil. Avocados are said to help regulate body functions and stimulate growth. I've heard of a cat that just loves its avocado and this is probably because of its high fat content. Dogs love avocados too!

The problem is that it is being reported the avocados are in fact poisonous to our pets. The toxic substance in avocados is reported to be persin, a fatty acid derivative. Avocados are reported to be poisonous to dogs, cats and other animals especially birds.

While one can debate whether or not avocados are poisonous or not, I would suggest that you do *not* feed avocados and if you have a pet, other than a dog, cat or bird, then consult with your vet before feeding an avocado to make sure it won't harm your pet.


Bananas are interesting because they are said to add natural acidophilus bacteria to the bowels although probably in small amounts only. Bananas are also a good source of potassium which benefits the muscular system. Their sweetness usually makes them a favourite of dogs.


A good source of iron, some dogs are known to pick ripe blackberries right from the plant (including my own). Blackberries are said to be one of the best blood builders. Blackberries may cause constipation though.


Fruits that have a peel around them like blueberry are hard for your carnivore friend to break down. As a result, if you see the blueberries come out in your pet's stools, you may want to slice them in half before feeding another time... or if you are like me, you just grab a few, put them on the floor and let your dog eat them with joy... I don't worry too much how well my dogs will digest them because my dogs simply love blueberries and that's good enough for me. It is said that blueberries are a good source of silicon which is said to help rejuvenate the pancreas.


Cherries are high in iron and said to be both a laxative and blood builder. Cherries can assist with elimination and help remove toxic substances. Cherries are also said to help the glandular system.

Grapes (Raisins):

There is currently some debate regarding the safety of both grapes and raisins. Recent reports are saying that grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs when ingested in large quantities. Some reports say that it is okay to feed grapes and raisins in small doses, while some say not at all. Whether or not the grapes and raisins are toxic to our pets or whether it could be a pesticide used on grapes, is not something I know. Due to the fact there is presently some concern as to the safety of grapes and raisins, it is best to avoid feeding grapes and raisins until more research is done. From what I have read, it is said that both grapes and raisins are potentially damaging to the kidneys in our pets. In some pets, raisins and/or grapes have been reported to kill the pet.


This particular fruit is exceptionally high in vitamin C. I really enjoy giving this fruit to my dogs. You can try feeding the kiwi with or without the peel intact. Some dogs won't eat kiwi unless the peel is removed. I have one dog that wants the peel removed and another dog that doesn't care.


Melons are an excellent source of naturally purified water. This in turn is said to help the kidneys and elimination.


A good source of vitamins A, C, and E; calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Papaya is said to be a good source of digestive properties to soothe the stomach. While dehydrated papaya is popular among dogs, it is ultimately high in sugar. In fact, any dehydrated fruit is very high in sugar and so only feed a small amount and better yet, none at all.

If you are feeding fresh papaya, don't feed too much as it is a natural bowel cleanser.


Peaches are said to have a laxative effect on the body and a tea made from the leaves of peaches is said to be beneficial for the kidneys. Peaches are said to help eliminate toxins and the sweetness will be appreciated by dogs.

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Sick Pet ProjectMeet Jumbo, the participant in The Sick Pet Project.

Bonus: Demodectic Mange — Before and After — a must view and the before and after pictures are truly amazing... images courtesy of of Gracie (:

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Katy's Official Gospel

Did you know that... in the United States over 10,000 food and chemicals additives are permitted into the food supply. The average American eats about 14 pounds of additives a year. In addition to colorings, preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, humectants, and anti-microbials, Americans consume on average 120 pounds of sugar and 8 pounds of salt. Now you know!

source: a brochure on toxins from the office of Dr. Seliski, N.D., B.E.S., B.N.

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My videos are meant to take you on a journey of thoughts to help maximize the clarity of your own thoughts and approach to how you care for and love your pets.

Jesse — creator of Pet Grub, Juicing Book and Time Genie. Also visit the The Hormonal Nightmare to learn about balancing your hormones.