3 Delicious Dog Biscuit Recipes
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The interesting thing about these dog biscuit recipes is that cats have been known to like these too!
These are my all original, all natural dog biscuit recipes that I created in 1995. For whatever reason, most dogs go crazy for these biscuits!
Katherine DeBarnes Favourite Biscuit
for the dog biscuit connoisseur
- rice flour 6 cups
- water 6¼ cups
- corn meal 2½ cups
- oat meal 2½ cups
- eggs 2
- ground cinnamon 3 TBSP
- alfalfa powder 3 TBSP
In a mixing bowl, mix all the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and then add the water and mix. Add this mixture to the dry ingredients and make into a dough. Roll the dough and cut some biscuits. Place biscuits on a tray and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. I like to roll the dough on cornmeal or bulgur to prevent sticking. I also use this on the cookie tray.
This is a hard biscuit to roll as brown rice has no gluten. As a result you may need some practice to make this biscuit, but on the other paw, this biscuit is good for gluten intolerant dogs and because it will break easily, this biscuit is excellent for training purposes.
Tamara DeBarnes Favourite Biscuit
for canines with character
- kamut flour 6 cups
- water 4¾ cups
- triticale flakes 2½ cups
- barley flakes 2½ cups
- egg 1
- ground anise 3 TBSP
- ground coriander seed 3 TBSP
- dill 3 TBSP
Mix and bake as in the first recipe.
Katherine and Tamara DeBarnes Biscuit
for canines with attitude
- spelt flour 8 cups
- water 3 cups
- egg 1
- ground ginger 3 TBSP
Mix and bake as in the first recipe.
Yummy Information, No?
After reading such yummy
information as your first course in Appendix B, it's now time to serve the next dish of information.