Pet Grub: raw meat diet, holistic health and nutrition for dogs and catsPet Grub

Healthy Food — Healthy Pets :: helping pets since 1994

Good Energy!

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Published in July, 1995, after my cat Morris The Cat passed away, this was an article to help people realize the good energy that was created with the help of a wholesome raw meat diet.

As many are aware, I got involved with homemade food for dogs and cats as I searched for ways of improving the dog biscuits that I was baking to feed my miniature schnauzer puppy named Katherine DeBarnes.

The search to learn more about animal nutrition to improve my dog biscuits ultimately led me to finding and implementing the fresh food program — also known as a wholesome raw meat diet.

In the past, like many people, I had to put a dog and cat down due to poor health and illness. Instinctively I knew that commercial pet food was not good, but I didn't know what to do! However, I also instinctively knew that my previous companions could have lived a better life if they had had better nutrition. Therefore, I did what I knew, and that was making homemade dog biscuits as I could control the ingredients.

After learning more about animal nutrition, I improved my dog biscuits and then began feeding a complete and balanced natural homemade diet all because of a puppy named Katherine DeBarnes who had, at that time, recently entered my life.

Interestingly enough, although it was my puppy that got me interested in animal nutrition, it was my cat who showed me the real power and benefit behind a good diet.

Morris the CatI switched my cat's diet when he was 15 years old while Katherine DeBarnes had just turned one. Morris the Cat had not jumped for about 2 or 3 years and he had a very difficult time walking up the stairs. In fact, I carried him up and down the stairs on a regular basis as he lacked the strength to walk the stairs on his own.

Soon after switching the diet, Morris the Cat began walking up the stairs on his own strength and sometimes was caught running the stairs. Come the following spring, when he went outside at night, Morris the Cat began jumping a 3 foot high fence again. Morris the Cat also began jumping onto the window sill outside my bedroom and meowed when he wanted to come in at night.

This was all too amazing for me. Here was a cat who was virtually near death when I switched his diet, and now he was behaving like a cat half his age. Nothing could make a cat or dog person like myself happier than to see your pet doing so well.

On June 7, 1995, Morris the Cat passed away on his own terms. The satisfaction of having a companion move on based on his or her own terms is very rewarding. Normally this would have been a sad day, but instead it became a rewarding and peaceful day knowing that all was done to ensure Morris the Cat could live and die happily, peacefully, and on his own terms.

Please remember, Morris the Cat proved that it is never too late to switch the diet and begin working to create amazingly healthy animals. Morris the Cat proved that when you tackle fears and challenge yourself, good things will happen.

If your companion isn't being a fed a good natural diet, make the switch and experience the benefits of a happy, healthy dog or cat.

Fleas: Friend or Foe?

Sick Pet Project

Sick Pet ProjectMeet Jumbo, the participant in The Sick Pet Project.

Bonus: Demodectic Mange — Before and After — a must view and the before and after pictures are truly amazing... images courtesy of of Gracie (:

Follow the story of my most recent rescue and get other news by following me on Facebook.

Catfucius Says

If you are a mouse, avoid cat.

Pictures of My Pets

You Tube Videos

I've created a series of YouTube videos that you can watch or listen to whenever you want.

My videos are meant to take you on a journey of thoughts to help maximize the clarity of your own thoughts and approach to how you care for and love your pets.

Jesse — creator of Pet Grub, Juicing Book and Time Genie. Also visit the The Hormonal Nightmare to learn about balancing your hormones.